B.Tech Course (Marine Engg.) In Indian Maritime University,Chennai

The Indian Maritime University, came into being through an Act of Parliament (Act 22) on 14th November 2008 as a Central University and is poised to play a key role in the development of trained human resource for the maritime sector. 14th November is celebrated as 'IMU Day' every year.
The following are the objects of the University are:-
(i) To facilitate and promote maritime studies, training, research and extension work with focus on emerging areas of studies like oceanography, maritime history, maritime laws, maritime security, search and rescue, transportation of dangerous cargo, environmental studies and other related fields, and also to achieve excellence in these and connected fields and other matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
(ii) to promote advanced knowledge by providing institutional and research facilities in such branches of learning as it may deem fit and to make provisions for integrated courses in Science and other key and frontier areas of Technology and allied disciplines in the educational programmes of the University;
(iii) to take appropriate measures for promoting innovations in teaching-learning process, inter-disciplinary studies and research; and to pay special attention to the promotion of educational and economic interests and welfare of the people of India;
(iv) to promote freedom, secularism, equality and social justice as enshrined in the Constitution of India and to act as catalyst in socio-economic transformation by promoting basic attitudes and values of essence to national development; and
(v) to extend the benefits of knowledge and skills for development of individuals and society by associating the University closely with local, regional and national issues of development.