M.Tech Programme In National Institute Of Technology,Srinagar(J&K)

National Institute of Technology,Srinagar is one of the premier Educational Institutes in the Northern Regions of the country. It was established in 1960 and has been one of the eighteen Regional Engineering Colleges sponsored by the Govt. of India during the 2nd Plan. The Institute acquired the status of National Institute of Technology with deemed to be University status during August, 2003 and attained full autonomy in its Academics.
National Institute of Technology,Srinagar invites applications for the following Post Graduate Programmes (M.Tech) for the Academic Session 2013-14 under sponsored category only.
1.Civil Engineering Department:-
2.Electronics & Communication Engineering:-
3.Electrical Engineering:-
4.Mechanical Engineering Department:-
Application forms can be downloaded by clicking on the link Advertisement Notification and sent to Assistant Registrar (Academic) National Institute of Technology, Srinagar alon gwith the necessary Demand Draft for Rs: 400/= drawn in favour of Director , NIT Srinagar by or before 05 August ,2013 Applications will be screened by concerned Departments and list of eligible candidates will be put on website www.nitsri.net . All announcements related to admissions will be made through our website. All candidates are advised to keep in touch with the website till the process of for written test and any other information related to the admission.